Thursday, September 24, 2009

Going to the Texas State Fair

This past week has been pretty busy since I am working on a power point for a friend's daughter's 16th birthday which is a little over a week away. I've been thinking of blogging but the night ends and I am too tired.

Tonight I am blogging first because I just feel like sharing my thoughts about tomorrow.

Tomorrow I and my family are going to the Texas State Fair. It's opening day. I've never gone on opening day before but when we found out that one of our favorite singers, Jason Castro, was the opening act...well...we didn't have to think twice about which day to attend.

However, this whole week I've been thinking about the food. Not so much because I want to eat it but rather, what can I eat. Or rather, how many points are in the food. Trying to find that kind of information has been a challenge. Now I realize that one of the reasons people go to the fair is to eat the food but I can honestly say that has never been my reason. With as large of family as mine, eating at the fair is a huge splurge and one we usually don't get to indulge in very often, mainly because we go early to the fair and bring a lunch and leave before dinner.

This year it is going to be a bit different. We are leaving our house after lunch and staying at the fair till closing, or pretty close to closing. We are also planning on eating dinner at the fair.

So, this week I have been saving ALL my weekly points for tomorrow. I want to be able to indulge if I feel like it. It will be interesting to see how it goes because there is nothing at the fair I really want to eat. And in a way I am feeling a bit competitive in that I want to see how little of the weekly points I dip into.

Yes, I know that's what the weekly points are there for....but like I said...I am feeling a bit competitive.

And I must say this is also the first year of going to the fair that I've even cared about what food or how much food I eat.

I will be taking my own snacks along with snacks for the rest of the crew. I am planning on having a funnel cake...well at least sharing one.

Guess I'll report back and let you know how it went. I am taking my camera so I may even get some pictures of the food that tempted me the most....or maybe disgusted me the most.

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to hear about it my dear friend!

    Go get em tiger!

    Whats fun about not getting to ever see you often is that next time I see you, there will be a difference. Do you remember when I was losing weight and I would come in to church and nobody could tell for a long time and even one time, I had fit into a much smaller shirt but it was big and loose and Sharon asked me if I was pregnant!!!!!!! Like... Hey!!!

    And to always encourage you.... it hurts. :) I mean you find ways to get through it all but there are days it just hurts because you really want to eat but at the end of the journey the prize is that 100 lbs will be gone and if you want to go to the fair next year and eat 10 corny dogs you can, just not this year. Not today, not now but later.
