Tuesday, September 8, 2009

What's a bike rider to do?

I love to have choices of how to get in my exercise. Today was a great example.

Originally, I planned on going to the natatorium tonight to take the river botics class. That's a class where you run/walk in the lazy river, sometimes against the current. But as the day progressed I just wasn't feeling it. Usually I look forward to my water classes but tonight I wasn't.

However, the natatorium had no classes yesterday and I usually do the evening deep water workout. Figured I'd go tonight.

Feeling a little tired this afternoon I went to my room to lay down and read, with the thought of maybe getting in a nap before I had to go exercise. My husband came into the room close to the time I needed to get moving if I wanted to make it to class and we got to talking. I said something about not really wanting to go tonight but I still wanted to exercise, like maybe take a walk around the neighborhood. The hubby said he'd go for a walk with me. Now, how could I pass that up. I love to spend time with him and getting in some exercise too....easy decision.

So, I got off the bed to go log in my daily points because I was hungry and dinner wasn't ready yet and I needed to see what I could eat. In between getting off of bed and putting in my points, my hubby and I decided to go bike riding instead of walking. While eating some yogurt I remembered I was supposed to drop a movie off at the store and swing by a friends house to get some items for my daughter. No big deal since I was going to be leaving the house but now that I decided to stay home...well that got me to thinking.

When Chris walked in I suggested going to the park to ride. He was up for that and so were three of the kids. After taking the back seat out of the van, loading bikes in, and filling water bottles up we were off.

I was NOT expecting how crowded it was at the park. There were more people there than I have ever seen. Lot's of soccer and cheer leading practice going on. We finally found a place to park, got the bikes out and took off.

This park has a nice wide sidewalk around the perimeter. I could see lots of walkers and runners, but no bicycle riders. I almost thought I wasn't supposed to ride my bike on the sidewalk but once I got going I did see others on bikes.

I LOVE riding my bike! After working out in the water it's my next favorite way to exercise. But while riding around the park I have come to realize that bike riders are those who really don't have a place.

We could ride our bikes on the roads, and many do, but it's so hazardous around here, especially since there is usually not a shoulder to ride on. And let's face it....coming up on a bike rider when you are driving your car is a bit frustrating. Especially if you have to slow down until you can pass them safely. And around here the bike riders who ride on the road are the serious riders. It's very rare to see a casual bike rider out on the road.

So the other option is riding my bike on the sidewalk. But walkers and joggers seem to think that the sidewalk is for them and bike riders are nuisances. I can't tell you how many times I had to slow down or drive off the sidewalk and into the grass to avoid running into someone. Now when it's a solo walker or rider it's not a big deal. But when it's two people walking or one person walking their dog...then it's like they are king of the sidewalk. Now don't get me wrong, the majority of walkers/runners are nice and will make sure there is enough room. However, I feel like they would rather bike rider's not ride there.

So, I feel like I am in a "darned if you do and darned if you don't" place.

I love riding my bike. I just wish there was a place I could do it where I didn't annoy others.

1 comment:

  1. Oh that is so true! There is no place for a bike rider... in some states they have bike sidewalks that literally cover every road and highway but, not here. They do seem to be a nuisance although I too love bike riding... and even out here on the lonely country roads.. Sharon and I were honked at with just us and one car that was aggravated it had to move over a little... I mean come on!!!
