Saturday, September 19, 2009

That feeling.....

Today was my weigh in day....and I knew before I ever stepped on that scale that I would probably not be losing any weight this week. I've really been in tune with my body since I started this journey and I could just feel it...that bloated feeling...

I ended up GAINING +o.4....not bad but definitely not as good a loss.

I was a little discouraged because I know I've done well this week. I've gotten in some good exercise every day and I've eaten within my points. Actually I had points to spare.

Of course I needed to "vent" so I called a friend....but she didn't answer her phone. So I then called my hubby. Usually I would call him first but my friend has lost a considerable amount of weight and knows how hard I've been working and is such an encourager and she's a girl....I was needing that.

But my hubby pulled through....he too greatly encourages me but he is a "guy" and doesn't always understand my "way of thinking". However, today he helped me to focus on the fact that this is long term and I am making lifetime changes. He too sees how hard I am working and even though he brings home "treats"....I know he wants to see me succeed.

As I was posting my weight on etools I happened to look over my weight loss history and noticed that the same week last month I had my only other"small" gain....hmmmmm....a pattern...and I KNOW it has to do with my "cycle"...

My husband encouraged me and I know my friend will encourage me later.....but noticing this pattern is like the "icing on the cake"... I am at peace. I won't be over indulging or giving up or not caring [like I might have done in the past]........I accept that I am a woman and I still have my cycles and that does affect my journey....but only slightly....

I am resolved that I will continue doing what I have been doing for the last 8 weeks and I know that I WILL see more losses on this path I am traveling.


  1. Yes, noticing a pattern makes the journey much easier to endure because then you know what to expect and it doesn't come as such a shock.

    Sorry I was not available... I was busy baking bread to feed the hungry.... :) Actually I was stuffing my face at Mimi's......

  2. And of course, by now, when I say "Stuffing my face"... you can take it literally can't you... literally I stuff my face. As in ... stuff it.
