Sunday, November 15, 2009

Progress Picture for November

I weighed in on Saturday and was shocked when they told me I lost -3.8 pds. I was expecting around a half a pound but I'll take a three pound loss any week.

I have now lost a total of 40 pds. on Weight Watcher's and a total of 47 pounds from the beginning of trying to lose weight.

Here is my November progress picture as well as last months picture. One thing is for sure...I need to teach my daughter how to take a picture...:-) And these pictures are odd because I look thinner in my heavier picture. I'm going to have to figure out a better way of documenting my progress....hmmmmmm


  1. Debbie............. WOW !!!!! Even down to your calves look smaller. And your neck.... awesome!!!!!

  2. in your next photo shoot, do like an awesome move... strike a crazy pose ... LOL.... :-)
