Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Curves in the journey

Originally we were only going to have one Thanksgiving meal but my oldest daughter's grandparents invited us over and since we won't be eating our meal till late we figured we'd pop in since we haven't seen them in a few months.

One Thanksgiving meal was something I could handle but two.....eeekkk!!

And on top of dealing with tomorrow... today was a challenge. Originally I was going to stay at home and do some cleaning and baking. But a friend was celebrating her son's birthday and since her husband was out of town she asked me to help. So, being the good friend I am...I said yes. The only problem is that we were taking the boys to....

Amazing Jakes....along with being a fun place to play it has a buffet. And there aren't a lot of good choices. We were there for 5 hours...I wish I would have been more prepared but I wasn't. Let's just say it's a good thing I have weekly points. I am trying to save them for tomorrow but used up a few today.

Looking at the buffet and seeing how many points I used for such a small amount of food was another reminder of how my eating is changing. I ate a salad and two slices of pizza, choosing the smallest slice available. I had two small oatmeal cookies with about 1/4 cup of soft serve ice cream. If I would have left that's all I would have eaten, but we stayed for 5 hours and since we ate the first hour by the 5th hour everyone including myself was hungry. I ate two more small slices of pizza and two more small oatmeal cookies. I used 27 points...and I didn't really eat a lot, at least in comparison to what I would have eaten pre WW. I can't even begin to imagine how many points I would have eaten in this 5 hour period in the past. And let's not forget the drinks. I do know that I would have drank coke and many refills, but this time around I drank water or unsweetened tea with sugar free lemonade. That save me points.

I came home tonight and around 9 I had a strong urge to go walk. Thankfully my 18 yr. old son agreed to go with me since it was dark and we live on a road with not much light. I only walked a mile but we walked at a quick pace and I feel so much better getting that little bit of exercise.

So, even though my day didn't go as I originally planned...and I ate a lot of points at lunch...I enjoyed playing with my boys and spending time with my friend.

I keep reminding myself....this is a journey I am on and there will be many curves in the road but I am learning how to safely make it around the curves and while some curves may slow me down they won't stop me from reaching my destination.


  1. Have I told you today, that I love you!! No? Well, I love you!! 8^)

  2. How on this earth did I miss 3 post from you???? HOW? Sigh. I love you to Debbie, but not like Chris does. It a friend love. :)
