Sunday, November 7, 2010

Thankful for Nancy

"No love, no friendship, can cross the path of our destiny without leaving some mark on it forever."
- Francois Mocuriac 

I received a message on my facebook the other day that a friend and her husband were in town and wanted to get together with us one day.  What a pleasant surprise!!

I met Nancy a while back and I call her my "freebird friend" because she is a throw back from the seventies.  In dress and in attitude.  Nancy is not one of my normal friends and I don't mean that in a negative way.  She's a very unique woman.  A woman that I have been very fortunate to make the acquaintance of.  She lives a life so different than my own and has differing views on many subjects yet something has drawn us together and I am a better person for knowing her.

Her life story is movie worthy.  She's survived some events in life that would have been the undoing of a less stronger person.  She's a survivor!  I am touched by her strength and ability to move forward in life. 

Nancy lives in Alaska now.  She is in the "Lower 48" for the winter.  She also recently married so we had the pleasure of meeting her new husband Mitch.  Doesn't he just look like an Alaskan man?  And don't let his facial hair scare you...he's a sweetie!!  I'm very happy for my friend.

I happened to have lived in Alaska as a child so tonight was fun hearing and sharing stories of Alaska.  It's like it's own world.  Nancy and Mitch live in a cabin without running water or electricity.  They have to protect their windows from moose because a moose will fight it's reflection.  They turn their outhouses into a bonfire every so often since the ground is permafrost.  Don't worry...they don't roast marshmallows over it.  :-)  The weather in winter can get very cold so they have to put a heater under their car so it will start.

Their cabin was made in such a way that they can lie in their bed and watch the Northern Lights from the framed window above their bed.  I remember seeing the Aurora Borealis when I lived in Fairbanks and let's just say even without electricity and running water I am a bit jealous.

Tonight we had homemade pizza, delicious cupcakes and lots of laughing.  If there is one thing I can guarantee with that we will laugh.

Thank you Nancy for your friendship!


  1. What a sweet tribute to your friend!

  2. Wow, she looks the same! Next time she blows in give me a call, I'd love to come over and chitter chat and laugh! :)
