Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Thankful for "Kidnappings"!

Tonight we "kidnapped" a friend who is going through a rough patch.  I'm not even sure when kidnappings started...I think we did it to celebrate our birthdays....but every so often we use it for other occasions.

A friend who is struggling is a great occasion to shower her with love.  When we "kidnap" we treat that person to dinner and some form of entertainment...laser tag....a movie....etc.  We pick up her tab...she is along for the ride.  She has NO idea...or should have NO idea...of what is to happen.  We make arrangements for childcare ahead of time if needed.  We try to "sneak" up on her and take her by surprise...although some of us HATE surprises so sometimes it may not be a total sneak up on.

While I am sorry my friend is struggling...I'm thankful we could "kidnap" her for a few hours and have good yummy food....and laugh through a funny movie. 

And most of all I hope for a few moments we made her day brighter and that she felt the love!!!