Monday, November 8, 2010

Thankful for Listening Ears

"Remember this, my dear friends! Everyone must be quick to listen, but slow to speak and slow to become angry." James 1:19

Experience has taught me the wisdom in being slow to speak and slow to anger . 

However, there are certain times of the month where my "grace tank " is not full and I find myself getting annoyed/angered much easier than usual.  During this time it's better to not be around anyone.

Yet sometimes because of "issues" happening there is a need for me to speak.  It's during these times that I am so thankful for listening ears of those I trust.  Ears that allow me to share my thoughts, feelings, concerns, annoyances, etc...without judgment or even advice. 

One day when I am perfect I won't need  those listening ears but until then.....THANK YOU!!!!!


  1. I can relate! I love that picture!

  2. You know Debbie O, you are one of the most grounded, sound people I know so I think whenever you share things you are usually pretty accurate although its difficult to say things outloud sometimes, to anyone, but, I must say, its sometimes a step out to share those deep thoughts and its nice to know ears can listen, share their own thoughts and help sharpen...iron sharpens iron.
