Thursday, May 27, 2010

How Did I Lose This

My dad bought a 35mm camera when I was in high school.  I loved getting to take pictures with it.  Of course this was when we used film and the camera did not have an automatic least not that I can remember.  But I loved getting to take pictures...until the camera died.  Apparently sand got into the mechanics of the camera and it would cost as much a buying a new one.  My dad retired the camera because at that season in his life he couldn't afford to get it fixed or buy a new one.

Skip a few years....ok...many years and I am getting ready to turn 40.  At some point before this momentous event I stumbled upon what I call...  The Pioneer Lady.  She's actually known as The Pioneer Woman but for some reason my brain forgets.  Anyways when I first found her she was just getting started in the blog world and her photo's brought back my dream of photography.  I remember telling my husband that one of my dreams would be to get a camera like hers [35 mm digital] one day and pursue photography.

Well my hubby, being the wonderful and kind man that he is, bought me one for my birthday.  He gave it to me a week or two before the actual day because we were leaving to go on vacation and he thought I'd enjoy using it.  He thought right.

So here it is almost 5 years later.  I still have the same camera and until a few weeks ago I still used the same battery charger for the camera.  But mysteriously the battery charger has disappeared.  And it is mysterious because I keep my camera bag with all the camera trappings in the same spot.  I charge my battery in the same spot.  And yet the charger has become lost.  My hubby talked about buying a new one but I knew that if we just looked hard enough we'd find it.

Nope...we still haven't found it.

The other day a friend called me up because her niece just passed her GED and she wanted to get some "senior" type pictures to celebrate this wonderful achievement.  I had to tell her that my camera is dead until I could find my charger.  Well, this friend insisted on paying for a new charger because she really wanted me to take the pictures.  [ sweet]

So, Chris goes in search of a charger.  How hard can it be.  Apparently in the big metroplex of Dallas it can be a pain.  Best Buy had one but they wanted over $200 for it...What?????  Guess it charges two batteries super quick.  I don't need mine charged super quick, but I do need them charged.  Thankfully he was able to find on online that was just like the one I had.  And hopefully it will be coming tomorrow since he had them ship it two day.

Yea!!!  I'm excited to get my camera back.  Can't tell ya how many times I've thought about grabbing the camera to take a picture only to remember it's dead.

And I know that when I get the new charger...I just might find the old one.


  1. I am definitely willing to bet that the minute your new charger arrives, you will find the old one, lol. I would LOVE to get a 35 mm's on my wish list! Hope you'll share some of your photos. By the way, you asked me on my blog the other day how I got the underwater photos. I have an Olympus underwater camera. :)

  2. I would go crazy if that happened to me. Well, the positive side, if you find your charger, is that you will have a spare in case something happens to the other one.

    As far as incentives in my jar, I do couponing so I will often get gum or little candies for next to nothing or free. I also have a big box of toys someone gave me for the kids. Instead of giving it to them all at once, I let them pick something if they've done a good job. I originally started because Joshua needed an incentive to do his copywork. It definitely worked. It used to take him 2 hours (because he didn't want to do it). Now it takes him less than 10 minutes. I'm thinking we need to move onto something else that needs an incentive!

    Oh, and I will have a link on my sidebar with newest Today's Mama posts, so you can easily visit me there, too!

  3. Maybe you will find it at my house. :-) Maybe it just walked over here in hopes you would follow.
    I know I know I know we are all toooo busy! I knowww...
    I am very curious as to what happened to it though....very interesting. Mysterious.... note worthy....

    I sent you a text when I was watching Idol finally....did you get it??? I was having little tears drip dropping.... I got emotional with Simon.... Puhleeeze someone slap me quick! :)

  4. I'm glad we were able to get another charger and although the other one has not reappeared, I'm sure it's around here somewhere. I was glad to be able to "taxi" you all around yesterday while you took the graduation pictures.
    Have I told you today, that I love you?
