Saturday, October 24, 2009


Today was weigh in and one thing I have found most intriguing is that I am developing a pattern. I've never noticed it before but since I have been tracking my eating it has become very noticeable.

So, true to my pattern....I maintained this week. Actually I had a very small gain...+.4 or in other words...I gained 1/4th of a pound. But it's such a small gain, so small it doesn't even show up on my scale, so I consider it a maintain. The good thing about noticing a pattern is that I was not surprised today at my weigh in. I was expecting it. Not to say that in the future it might change but since I started Weight Watchers the last week of July it's been predictable. And that's o.k.

So funny how our body works. Last week I was hungry, hungry and ate every single daily and weekly point available and lost weight. This week I wasn't as hungry and didn't eat all my weekly points and I maintained.

Oh well, if all goes as it's been going I should expect a loss this next weigh in.

1 comment:

  1. Your on a journey where you just have to stay focused and keep plugging forward. It all adds up ...rather loses.... in its own fair time. In the long run it all eventually has to go.
