Friday, October 23, 2009

Not my normal kind of week

I had all sorts of plans and ideas of things to write about this week and now the week is over and I've yet to write. Well, I am writing now but still...

This week was unusual in that I had my first grandbaby's baby shower on Sunday, a daughter's birthday on Monday and a son's birthday today. I started off the week a little "stressed" about how I was going to handle this week. And now the week is over and I look back and see that it was easier than I thought.

The baby shower was nice and there were some good things to eat. Thankfully there was also a veggie tray. I snacked on carrots and actually enjoyed it. I did have a bite of the cake and a couple of treats but at the end of the day I had only used about 4 of my weekly points. Not too bad..but I still had a daughter's birthday to celebrate on Monday.

Monday comes and we ended up eating at Genghis Grill for lunch. I got about 4 oz. of chicken [wish I had brought my scale to of made sure] and then I loaded up with veggies. I love that I could go to their website and find the nutritional value for the sauces and stuff and when I added up the points it came to 11. A little higher in point than I usually eat for lunch but not too outrageous either.

Dinner consisted of chicken fried stead, mashed potatoes and green beans. For dessert the b-day girl picked out cheesecake bites which ended up being 2 points a piece. I allotted 6 points for dessert. I did by pass a Hawaiian roll with dinner, figured I'd rather spend those points on a cheesecake bite...yum!!

One good thing on Monday is I got up super early to participate in a water aerobic class. The class was from 6am to 7am which is hard for me since I am not an early bird but I did it because I knew I wouldn't have any other time to exercise all day.

Wednesday I ended up sick with a virus and had no appetite or energy for the whole day. I was nauseous and ended up eating saltines because it was the only thing that sounded good and helped with the nausea. Between the crackers and some yogurt and pudding I was able to accumulate some points. Not enough to meet my dailies but enough to show I did get some nourishment.

And here I am tonight. We had ham, twice baked potatoes, apple pie and ice cream. That's what my 12 year old son picked out for his birthday dinner. I measured out my ham, ate my potato like a regular baked potato and then indulged in the apple pie....the homemade apple pie....and it was well worth the points spent on it.

Tomorrow I weigh in. I have no idea how I've done other than I think I probably have maintained, which is o.k. with me. It's been strange not getting in the exercise I usually do during the week but I also am o.k. with that because my body is still recuperating from being ill.

My mind is getting use to the concept that this weight loss journey is just that....a journey...NOT a race. I enjoyed this week [ other than being sick] and I ate moderately considering all the things I could have indulged in. I started the week apprehensive about all the eating challenges and ended it very happy that I only used 10 of my weekly points.

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