Thursday, January 27, 2011

Twenty One Years and Counting

This weekend is something I look forward to all year.  The hubby and I are going away for two nights. Yes....two nights...alone...together!!!  Celebrating another year of being married!

Spending an evening together, minus children, has been something we've tried to do for our anniversary from the get go.  When my parents lived in town it was nice because they'd offer to watch the kids.  Sometimes when our finances were tight my parent's would let us stay at their place and they'd stay at ours.  And even after my parents moved there were friends who were willing to trade favors.

One year we went to Ft. Worth and explored.  There were many years we attended a Whole Hearted Mother's Conference.  I'd attend the conference on Fri and Sat. while Chris had some free time.  We'd get together Sat. evening and stay an additional evening at the hotel and enjoy a lazy Sunday.  A few times the kids would go to friend's houses and we'd have our house to ourselves.  It really doesn't matter what we do or where we go as long as we do something together and without children.  It's important to reconnect and focus on each other without any distractions.

Last year Chris and I stayed at a hotel near downtown Dallas.  The hotel use to be an apartment complex before it was renovated.  The rooms have fireplaces and kitchens so it gives it a homey feel.  We enjoyed ourselves so much we decided to stay there again this year.  I am looking forward to these few days of uninterrupted time with my husband.  There is no one else I'd rather spend time with.

Happy Anniversary Chris! 


  1. Hey there! Happy Anniversary to you, I am really looking forward to getting away with you too! I love being with you and getting to do whatever we want to do and find some new place to eat and at least one (Dunston's) place that we've been to before. Can't wait until Sunday1
    Love you!!

  2. I hope you guys come back refreshed! HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!!
