Friday, January 14, 2011

My Trust Is In The Lord!

My hubby and I will be celebrating our 21st wedding anniversary in a few weeks.  We met in church and we've been attending church ever since.  However, for the first time in our marriage we are without a church home.

This is an interesting time in our lives because while I know the importance of  belonging to a church, I don't have a big desire to try to find one quickly.  There is a part of me that feels a bit jaded by the whole church experience.  It's not that I'm turned off being around others who are following after Christ but rather I am tired of the church experience.

My last two experiences with church and church leadership has brought out some areas in me that if I am not careful could lead to bitterness and swearing off church forever.  On the whole I tend to be a very trusting individual but when that trust is breached it brings me to a place where I have to make a choice.  It would be very easy to become bitter, however that is not what Jesus wants.  And my desire is to please Him.

The Bible says in Matthew.....  "If you forgive others the wrongs they have done to you, your Father in heaven will also forgive you.  But if you do not forgive others, then your Father will not forgive the wrongs you have done."

Walking in forgiveness is not easy.  I may say I forgive that person or persons yet when I think about them and still feel resentful or angry or whatever negative feeling comes along, then I know I have not truly embraced forgiveness.  So, I seek the Lord to help me get total forgiveness so that there is nothing in me that will cause anything but love towards that person or persons to surface.

It 's a dying to what is natural.  My natural thoughts are that I want these people to receive what they deserve.  Yet just the other day in James I come across this Scripture..."For God will not show mercy when he judges the person who has not been merciful; but mercy triumphs over judgment."

I want God's mercy therefore I too need to be merciful.  Mercy triumphs over judgment.  That is such a beautiful verse.  One I have been pondering on lately and one I will need to blog on more later.

Onward we go.  I dislike "shopping" for a church but I  know it's important to be in community with other believers.  So I will cling to one of my favorite verses...."Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding.  Acknowledge Him in all you do and He will direct your steps."

My Trust is in the Lord!!!


  1. Congrats on your anniversary! I pray God will lead you in your church journey and heal the places of your heart that need it. Have a great day!

  2. I am SO looking forward to our anniversary weekend and looking forward to many, many more with you!
    I know that The Lord is going to lead us to the church that He wants us to be a part of. I appreciate you looking around for what the area has to offer.
    If we look to men, they will fail us, but as you know all to well, God will never fail us!!
    You are an inspiration to me!!
    I love you totally!!
