Thursday, October 28, 2010

A Time for Everything

Ecc 3:2  "He sets the time for birth and the time for death..."

The other morning we received a phone call at 6a.m.  Calls that come at that time are usually not the calls you like to receive.

A friend's mother, Anna, had had a heart attack and was not expected to live.  And here it is it 4 days later and she is still alive.  Could it be because she is terrified to die?  That's what she said before they sedated her with morphine.  She comes out of a denomination that has instilled in her an unhealthy fear of God.  That God is waiting for her with a "big stick" to punish her.  

I don't know much about Anna's life but what I do know is sad.  Her children are a testimony of that.  Out of 9 children only a few even care.  Seriously!!  Some were offered a chance to talk to her over the phone and they declined because they held bitterness and unforgiveness toward her.

Bitterness and unforgiveness are serious matters and so ugly.  My heart goes out to this family because of the terrible relationship between the children and their mother.  And lest you think these are young children they are not.  My friend is in her 60's and her mother is almost 90.  The children are all adults with grown children and even grandchildren.  And it continues through the generations as many of these children have horrible relationships with their children.

Some friends and I were able to go to the hospital a few days ago. I am thankful to have had the chance to speak Truth to Anna.  To let her know she is loved by God.  That she has direct access to Jesus and doesn't have to go through a priest.  That He loves her and wants her as His very own.  That He will forgive her.  Even now!!!

We left the hospital with peace that we did what He wanted us to do.  We prayed over her....we sang to her...we loved on her...we spoke Truth to her.  And even though she was medicated I KNOW her spirit could hear.  And I pray she could connect with the Truth of God's Word.

It may be too late for Anna to mend her relationship with her children....but there is still a chance she can mend her relationship with Jesus.  He's standing at the door....waiting for us to open it....I hope Anna did.


  1. I am glad that you all were able to go and see Anna. I really think that what you had to say to her made her think and hopefully invite Jesus in before it was too late.
