Friday, October 22, 2010

It's Been Awhile....

No more promises of new blogs.  Seems like the more I promise to get back to writing the less inclined I am to do so.  I think it's because I feel limited in what I can write about.  Not sure why but that feeling is there anyways.  I just need to move past that and write.

So much happens in our lives and it's nice to have a diary of sorts to reflect back upon.  I love reading others blogs and yet I slack on my own.  There really is a season to everything.  I'm not promising more writing but I am hoping to get past the insecurity of what to write and which picture to post and in the spirit of Nike...Just Do It!!

So with no further is something that happened last night.  I can laugh about it all now but last night I must admit I got a little hot under the collar.

I was putting the boys to bed and it was time to put on the music.  They switch nights on it being a "radio" night or a "cd" night.  Last night was a cd night, however, I misunderstood and put on the radio.  It didn't take long before I was made aware of my mistake. But before I switched it off I heard part of a song and realized it was a voice I knew very well....BUT had NEVER heard on the radio before.  I got all excited and went running out into the living room to let my girls know that Jason was on the radio....squee!!!!!

We started watching American Idol in season 6.  Jason Castro made his appearance in season 7 and we've been fans of his ever since.  Definitely something I'll have to blog about later. girls stepped across the doorway into my boys room to listen to the radio.  Could we enjoy the ending of the song??  NO!!!  Why???  Because my 11 year old son had to make a big deal that the girls have entered into the room without permission.  I say to him...."Be quiet!  We just want to listen to this song on the radio."  Does he quiet down?  NO!!!  He is like the energizer bunny....and keeps on going and going and going.

I had gotten so frustrated that he would not do as I asked after numerous times asking him.... that I told him it made me want to slap him.  Not one of my better mommy moments.  But.....  Does he quiet down??  NO!!!  He puts the pillow over his head and starts hollering about how I care more about the radio than him....[sigh]

All we wanted to do was catch the last 60 seconds of a song on the radio. What started out as something joyful quickly turned into something ugly....all because of disobedience.  However, it was a great teaching opportunity that I took advantage of this morning after we both had a night sleep and time to cool down.

Oh and in case you want to hear the song that was the "instigator" in this character training issue....listen to it here   You Are


  1. It has been awhile! But I think blogging/writing should be something you want to do and not something you feel you have to do.

    Does sound like a great teaching moment. Seems like there are too many to count in mommyhood!

  2. The spirit of Niki? 8-)
    It's good to see you back on here. I have missed your blogging moments. I pray that this is just a season that Nicholas is going through and something that he will grow out of, quickly!
    Love you!!
