Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The 50's

I am officially in the 50's....well, the 250's. I am talking about weight after all.

Saturday was another day that I went to my WW meeting and dreaded getting on the scale. I talked to my hubby on the way there telling him that I will be happy if I kept it to at least a 1 pound gain. But secretly I was hoping for a maintain.

As I stepped on the scale I prepared myself for the news.
I watched the face of the lady checking me in and after she fixed the sticker in the book she looks at me and says...."good job!"

I was like....WHAT!!!! I couldn't look fast enough at the sticker....I actually lost -1.6 pounds.

I think it was all the sneak activity....cause I ate all my daily and weekly points plus some of the activity points.

That 1 pound loss has catapulted me into the 250's and I am thrilled. Bye- bye 60's....I hope I NEVER see you again with a 2 in front.


  1. Debbie,
    You are doing so great!! I am really proud of you and the progress you have made. Every time I look at you, you seem to be a bit smaller...
    Your cartoon is funny! 8^)

    Love you!!!

  2. LOVE the cartoon!!!!
    Yes, I agree with Chris, your the incredible shrinking woman...shrinky dink, shrinky dinky...
