Thursday, October 27, 2011

Sweet Sixteen and Never Shot a Gun.....till now!!!!

Our youngest daughter turned 16 last month.  She is the fourth of our six children to reach this milestone.  It use to be that we would have big birthday parties for all the birthdays but as the children multiplied we realized we'd have to pick which birthdays get a big celebration.  The 16th birthday happens to be one.

Along with having a cookout in our backyard, Hannah wanted to shoot a real gun.  I get a chuckle over this because shooting a gun was not even on my birthday radar of things to do, yet it is so Hannah.

Actually I am surprised we haven't gone to shoot guns sooner since my hubby has two shotguns, empty that is, is our closet.  They have been there almost our whole married life and yet we've never gone out to shoot....even with three of our children being boys.
Getting a few pointers from Dad

So this birthday wish turned into a fun morning for the whole family.  The hubby drove with the birthday girl down onto the lake....well the dried up part anyways.  I took the rest of the kids in the van and met them at the closed boat dock.  We piled in the back of the truck and drove about 5 minutes further until we found a safe spot for target practice.  And for anyone who is considering doing careful driving....there are lots of little tree stumps hiding in the grass that will wreck havoc on your tires

Nicholas made sure we left no trash behind
Checking on the target
She shoots like a girl!!
The kick back is a bit strong
Andrew nailed his target full of water
He needs a bigger gun!!
Of course mom had to try it out!
Once a Marine.....
Shoot'n with style

1 comment:

  1. We had a fun time. We should do this kind of stuff more often!
