Our church had their Thanksgiving potluck this past Sunday. Potlucks are not the best place to be when one is wanting to lose weight.
But I preplanned this event which is something I NEVER would have done in the past. I was in charge of cooking two of the turkeys so I was able to weigh out my portion of meat. I also cooked up some green beans because I love green beans and they have no points.
This would allow me to indulge a little in some of the good stuff.
I was in charge of the potluck so I was busy from the moment I got to church until we left. I did get a little reprieve when I sat down and listened to the message. Otherwise I was on my feet and moving, which was good because it kept me from wanting to eat.
After we got the tables set and the food out I went ahead and made my plate. Besides the green beans and turkey [2 oz] I added a small amount of corn casserole and a bite size amount of sweet potatoes.
Once everyone had gotten their food I proceeded to sit down across from a couple to eat my food. The husband said..."you should have made a plate." My reply..."I did." He then says..."you should have made your plate before everyone went through the line." My reply..."I did" I know he was looking at my food and feeling sorry for me...lol!!! But I was perfectly content with what I had. I then told him that I was willing to eat less so that I could indulge in some of the desserts which seemed to make him feel better. I didn't mention points or that I am working at losing weight and adopting a healthier way of eating. And I don't think it would have mattered because at special holidays like this most people expect you to over indulge in the goodness.
I must say that it would have been easy to do and I did see many doing just that...over indulging. But I am not the same person I was and I was actually repulsed a little to see some of the over indulgence of others, knowing that in meals past I was that person.
My indulgence was the desert table. But even there I made conscious choices. I wanted some pumpkin pie and pumpkin pie is what I got....but only a sliver...just enough to enjoy but not so big that I would regret the points used on it. The lady across from me was commenting on the cheesecake so I went and tried some...about a 1x1 square...just enough to get a taste.
After everything was cleaned and we were leaving I was completely satisfied with my choices and amounts. I didn't leave stuffed and I didn't leave hungry. I left knowing that I made wise choices and that it is possible to go to a potluck, enjoy the company and enjoy the food without over indulging.
I'm just so proud of you Debbie O !!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI see a real change in you and how you are eating, and after watching the wedding video, I can REALLY tell a difference in you!!