I went to a Chinese Buffet tonight!! I'm pretty sure this is the first time since joining WW that I dined at a buffet. I ADORE Chinese food...it is my choice of food whenever my hubby and I go out to eat. Thankfully he doesn't mind Chinese.
I felt like a contestant on Biggest Loser when they have a challenge, like having to eat out all their meals every day for a week. When I have gone to a Chinese buffet pre WW I loaded up on stuff like fried egg rolls, fried chicken, fried biscuits, and all the good food like sesame chicken or orange chicken and dumplings....lots of dumplings...yum
But not tonight....I had to do good, especially since I blew through my points yesterday.
It was probably good that the food selection looked "sad". Very dry and most of the food wasn't even warm. I thought I'd try the sweet and sour soup, which I've never eaten before and the lady next to me in line was telling me how good it was but as I was standing there I smelled a most disgusting smell...like a combo of rotten food and socks. I didn't know where the smell came from but when I went to eat a spoonful of the soup I found out....blech!!! It tasted like it smelled. Awful!! It was so bad it about spoiled my eating of anything else. Thankfully I had some wonton soup and that tasted good and took the yucky taste out of my mouth.
I sit here recalling the less than pleasant experience of dining at this establishment and my stomach is feeling a bit queasy....hope it's not because of the food. The best part of the meal was sitting across from my husband. One thing I can guarantee it that it's the last time we will be going to this particular restaurant.
Oh yeah....I stayed within my daily points. I had 1/2 c.steamed rice, 2 non fried chicken on a stick, broccoli, 1/2 serving of baked fish, 1/2 c. of wonton soup and two cookies. I also had a bite out of two different egg rolls but I didn't like either one so I didn't eat any more.
We are planning on going out to a different Chinese Buffet for Christmas Eve but somehow I don't think it will be as easy....cause the food is much, much better. But at least I have an idea now of how to tackle that when it comes.
***added the next day-
just in case you are concerned...I did not get food poisoning...I think just remembering is what made me queasy...:-)****
You are already doing so well, I'm not worried about you at all. I wish you would be at the dinner tonight though because I can't make the movie. :( Glad you didn't get sick!!!!