Tonight I started a conference call Bible study called "Walk Out Your Transformation". Only problem is that I was in transit and I could only listen in to the first 30 minutes. But the nice thing is that she records the calls and then I can go to the website and listen to them at my convenience. I'm not sure how I'll like the calling in part but it's good to try new things and with how spread out everyone is, it is convenient and saves on gas.
Here is a link if you'd like to check it out yourself http://www.bridgetodominion.org/
This is being hosted by an "old friend" and by old I don't mean age but rather the length of time we've known each other. Her name is Vickie and we met at least 12 years ago at the church we were attending. I actually attended her first class 6 years ago. And it's been about two years since we've last talked, but Vickie is the kind of friend where we just pick up where we left off. Sometimes life gets busy and seasons change but it's always good when God brings us back together again. And it's even more interesting to find that once again we are going through similar trials and God is purifying us with His fire. I recently had Vickie come and talk at my current church and it's exciting to see others gain the understandings that I too am gaining. I look forward to seeing what God does through this class.
My new"life" Scripture is...Joh 8:31-32 So Jesus said to those who believed in him, "If you obey my teaching, you are really my disciples; you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."
I've never realized the freedom I have in His Truth until recently. There is something beautiful and empowering in understanding the freedom we have in Christ...the truth I am understanding is freeing me up to truly love others...to have grace and mercy...to see past the outward and minister to the inward. Sure, I was able to do some of that before but it always seemed like there was something holding me back from being able to do it with my whole heart. I've been learning what that "something" is and what I need to do to break through it. It's quite simple, yet I've never really understood it till recently. Yeah, I'd get bits and pieces of understanding but lately it's like a flood gate has opened and all the dots are getting connected.
It's these understandings I hope to blog about because there is something powerful in being able to communicate the things we learn. Plus it helps to solidify it in us too. Being able to tell others is one of the best ways to "test" what we know.
You have such a way with words my dear dear dear dear super uper dear friend! There is indeed something powerful in being able to communicate the things we learn. Some people have difficulties being able to communicate things they have learned so its a true gift and blessing. I love how I can just call you up and spill new thoughts or new revelations and you will tell me the truth... iron sharpens iron, the test. :-)