My first grand-baby was born yesterday. Sweet little Skylee made here dramatic entrance around 2:40pm and I got to watch...and take pictures...and pray...and be amazed at the miracle.

This was the first birth I got to witness live that wasn't my own. It was amazing!!! Unfortunately there were some complications with her lungs and she was taken to the "special care" unit. Her lungs were not responding correctly... so she had lots of tubes put in her and she had to remain still. But thankfully she is responding and today my daughter was able to hold her for an hour. And hopefully she will be coming home by Sunday.

Since this is a blog about weight loss I will mention that I am learning how to make better choices in all kinds of situations. Take being in a hospital waiting the birth of your grand child.
We were up very early and I was able to eat my standard breakfast at home. I also brought along some "point friendly" snacks which came in handy as the morning made it's way into the afternoon.
Around 10am a friend and I decided to take a walk around, my hubby joined us. We ended up at the cafeteria because my friend had not eaten breakfast yet and my husband was tempted by the smells. I resisted getting anything because I really wasn't hungry although in the past I would have gotten something just because.
Later in the room as I got hungry I would eat one of my apple, a fiber one bar, and a single serving bag of pretzels...5 points total for all three.
Around lunch time my hubby was wanting to go down to the cafeteria for lunch but I was concerned that we'd miss the birth since our daughter was getting very close to pushing. Finally around 1:45 we sent our other daughters down with orders. Gee, I wonder why we didn't think of that!!! I chose a turkey burger and a bag of baked chips. I didn't know that fries came with my sandwich...I did eat two fries but then gave the rest away. And wouldn't you know Skylee wanted to make her appearance while we were eating...
We left the hospital close to 5pm and had entertained the idea of going to Chili's for dinner. But none of us were really hungry and we'd been away from the house since 7am so the boys had been by themselves all day. So, we decided to stop at the store and get some frozen pizzas. I thought I'd get some low point soup. But I ended up walking down the frozen food aisle and getting a lean cuisine chinese chicken and rice meal. It wasn't bad.

The hubby and daughters picked out ice cream for dessert and I decided I'd try the Weight Watcher's mint ice cream. I must say it was very good and only 2 points.
After I totaled up my points for the day I only dipped a few points into my weekly allowance. And about the only thing I ate that I wasn't planning on was about 5 Hershey Kisses which wasn't too bad considering all the food available in the room for me to eat.
I really believe that this new attitude will last...I see it long term...not just something I am doing now to lose weight.
Beautiful baby girl! Your certainly slimming down. Every time I see you you look smaller.
ReplyDeleteI bet you have lost 3 lbs this week. Call me after the weigh in. :)
Congratulations! She's beautiful! I bet you are one proud grandma!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the Santa tip! I actually looked up the story of St. Nicholas the other day and thought that would be a great story to tell the kids. Thanks for confirming that!
Ha! 3 pounds indeed. How about 4.8?!?
ReplyDeleteDebbie , you have really been an inspiration to me and making me think more about my food choices. You are doing so good!! I love you!!!