I made some homemade pizza tonight [picture of it above]. Actually I usually make homemade pizza at least once a week. When we moved to where we live now, 10 yrs. ago, there were no pizza places that delivered to our house being that we live out in the country and out of the delivery zone. If we wanted pizza we would have to order it from the nearest Pizza Hut and drive 15 minutes one way and then back. And since I have a large family, 6 children, it wasn't cheap.
My brother and his wife came to visit us not to long after we moved. My sis-in-law showed me how to make homemade pizza...even the dough is made from scratch. I usually shy away from making anything that requires yeast. Not sure why, maybe cause it seemed like it would be hard. But it wasn't and the pizza was soooooo good!!! So good...I quite ordering pizza out and started making it in...
I wonder how much money I have saved? 10 years ago it cost around $45 per trip and whatever we used in gas. Now I spend about $30 a month for around 8-12 pizzas. I love saving money.
But what else I like about home made pizza is that I am in control of the toppings. I know exactly what is used. Making home made pizza also comes in handy now that I am doing Weight Watchers. I am able to get more pizza for my points since I can control the ingredients.
My pizza ends up being 4 points per slice. Which is kind of high for one slice but they are big slices. And I always leave enough points so I can have two slices....yum!!!
It wasn't too long ago that I would eat 4 to 5 slices. I didn't eat that much because I was so hungry but because I just LOVE pizza. Now that I see how many points are in one slice I can understand why I wasn't losing any weight. And now I am in that place where "nothing tastes as good as being skinny feels".
I find that I am content eating two slices...and I feel full afterward. I haven't been tempted to eat more but if I am, I know that I can save some and eat it for lunch the next day.
Our family tends to finish up a dinner of pizza with a bowl of ice cream. I still indulge in the ice cream too but I changed from eating a bowl of ice cream to eating the 100 calorie ice cream sandwiches. It is just as much a treat to me as a bowl of ice cream would be.
I love that I am becoming more in control of my food and that food isn't as in control of me...
Oh my goodness dearest Debbie...that picture is edible!!!! I was trying to reach in and grab a slice....!!!!!!!!! Your doing GR8 ! Love your ticker btw!!!! *Happy Happy Happy double Happy Dance*