We have been sick all week. All of us!! All 7 of us!! This has got to be high on the list of the negative aspects of a larger than normal family. If it was only one or two of us getting sick, no biggy...the others are great about chipping in and helping out. But when it's all of us....and it's one of those illnesses where you feel horrible and don't want to move....it's just pathetic. Then it becomes..."whoever feels the best needs to go put in the movie" but no one feels good enough to do it.
It started with the older three.... but it wasn't long before dad was feeling puny and then I, mom, finally succumbed. Now one good thing is that we weren't all at our worse at the same time. So when the older three were at their yuckiest I still had energy to do things like cook dinner. But by the middle of this week I too was feeling puny... thankfully by now some of the others were feeling better...so we didn't starve. Now the house could use a good cleaning but I know that will happen once we are all feeling better.
Today my 15 year old, Hannah, was having a set back. Where her brother and sister are feeling much better she was having issues. One of them being she could not breathe in deep enough to take her inhaler. Not only is that scary but dangerous when one has issues with asthma. I knew she needed a breathing treatment but we were all out of the medicine so a dr.'s visit was in order.

What is it with my family and needing to see a dr. on the weekend. :-) It should come to no surprise that our regular dr. wasn't in the office nor were there any openings with the other numerous dr.'s. So we ended up going to the emergency room. Thought about Care Now but really felt like I was to go to the hospital.
She and I made a pathetic sight. She is miserable and having trouble breathing and I am miserable and coughing. I was a pillow for her in the waiting room Was I glad when we finally made it to a room. I love helping my daughter out and glad I could offer her my shoulder to lean on....but I too am sick and one of my symptoms is an achy body. So even the slight pressure of a head on your shoulder can be painful.
And sure enough she was given a breathing treatment....along with steroids for her lungs and an i.v. for fluids. Her x-rays came back showing she was in the early stages of pneumonia, called walking pneumonia, and was given the beginning round of antibiotics. And because they thought her cough kept her up at night [which it doesn't] they gave her a prescription cough medicine. I was happy about that because my coughing keeps me up at night.
I still am running a fever and feeling pretty awful...but I'm glad I was well enough to take her to the hospital. I can sleep easier tonight knowing that Hannah is breathing easier. I'll also sleep easier cause I'm going to share some of that cough medicine.