Thursday, June 10, 2010

Gotta Love Those New Seasons

I'm tired!!

This has been a long week.  Last Thursday I drove to Houston, Texas because I have a small "job" working for a company whose math curriculum I use and LOVE!!  A new season is upon me and it's an interesting one.

This is my 16th year educating my children at home.  One of the challenges of doing this is finding a curriculum that meets the needs of everyone involved.  With the older 4 children I have used a variety of math curriculum, trying to find that perfect fit.  About 6 years ago I came across a fairly new curriculum called Right Start Mathematics.  I really liked what I heard but to be honest was a bit hesitant about purchasing it because of the cost.  It's not one of the lesser expensive programs out there.  A year went by and while I was "drooling" over this curriculum I was trying out others that were not as costly.  But what I have come to realize is that while the price may not be can still be costly.
Because if it's not helping us to learn and understand there is a greater cost than just the price.

Anywhoos... after sitting in a class at one of the local book fairs I was sold.  I plunged in....considered the cost....and made the purchase.  WOW!!!  Am I ever so thankful I did.  No more jumping around trying to find that perfect fit.  I transitioned the older 3 into it late in their schooling but where I am noticing the difference is in my two youngest who have ONLY used Right Start.  They are currently in the level I started the older ones in and this is where I see the fruit.  Their understanding of numbers and seeing patterns and thinking surpasses where the older ones were when starting this level.

Last year at the Plano book fair I was at the Right Start booth ordering something and the lady asked me if I would be interested in assisting in the booth sometime in the future.  I said sure and filled out my name and address.  Totally forgetting about it.

Jump forward to a little over a month ago when I was feeling overwhelmed about some things in regards to finances and went on a walk to just "cry out" to the Lord.  One of the things I "cried out" to Him about was needing new curriculum for next year.  About two weeks later I received a phone call asking if I would be an assistant in the Right Start booth in Arlington.  I didn't even have to think about it...I said yes.

While working in the booth that weekend I was asked if I would consider working at some other conventions within the state.  After talking it over with my hubby and the family we decided to give it a go.  The children are old enough that I feel comfortable leaving them until Chris gets home in the evening.  This would give me a chance to earn money for new curriculum AND I will get to encourage others who are educating their children at home.  Something I do anyways...but now I am getting paid.

Basically I am getting my feet wet this season and it's been interesting.